犬種介紹/Breed Introduction-台灣犬 Taiwan Dog FCI-Standard NO. 348 4
https://www.kctdog.org.tw/custom_98632.html 犬種介紹/Breed Introduction-台灣犬 Taiwan Dog FCI-Standard NO. 348 犬種介紹/Breed Introduction-台灣犬 Taiwan Dog FCI-Standard NO. 348 序言/Introduction台灣是個呈南北狹長型的海島,位於亞洲大陸東南方、太平洋西岸東亞島弧間,北臨日本、琉球群島,南接菲律賓群島;在自然資源方面,由於地層板塊運動不斷的進行,造成台灣複雜多變的地形地貌,高山、丘陵、平原、盆地、島嶼、縱谷與海岸等景觀豐富;在這個環境被隔絕,而地形特殊的孤島上,再加上北迴歸線恰好從中通過,使台灣同時擁有熱帶、亞熱帶、溫帶等各種自然生態。目前在中國大陸西南部,和東南亞一些地區,有部份狗和台灣犬很類似。從台灣早期的族群分佈與地理環境區隔,大致可將這些犬隻分成以下系統,主要有:台灣北部山區血系犬隻:以大雪山山脈及中央山地北部為主,其中主要以泰雅族群,布農族群及賽夏族群等犬隻為主。台灣南部山區血系犬隻:以阿里山山脈、玉山山脈及東海岸山脈和中央山脈南段為主,主要族群以阿美族,魯凱族,排灣族,鄒族及卑南族等族群為主。台灣西部血系犬隻:以台灣西部平原及沿海一帶為主,其中以漢族及部分平地原著民族群之犬隻為主。這些主要血系的犬隻原本跟隨著主人們一起生活,後來因環境的變化,各血系的犬隻開始慢慢融合,且經不斷的繁殖,數量亦逐漸增加,這時期的犬隻在台灣先民的篩選與自然環境物競天擇的情況下,性能與體構漸漸的演化,在當時的環境中得以生存,進而成為台灣特有犬種。 台灣的狩獵地區,佈滿許多陡峭的山谷、峭壁、山澗和水流湍急而深的河流與峽谷,台灣的野生動物體型跟其他國家的比較起來相對地較小,因此長期以來,處於環境較為危險的崎嶇山區,讓台灣犬逐漸發展出適應環境的體型以利能擅長跑或是衝刺、跳躍等動作,且必須兼具速度和柔軟度利於迅速安全穿梭於高山岩間與矮欉縫隙,台灣犬是一種聰明絕頂且順從性好的狗,隨時樂意取悅牠的主人。 台灣畜犬協會在這10年內累計6909隻台灣犬已經核發血統書並且記載於犬籍資料中,估計共有4277隻參與FCI或Club犬展,經過推廣平均高達50隻的報名隻數參加犬展(約佔總報名隻數的20%),這個品種遺傳穩定並足以推廣此新品種"台灣犬"於世界。https://youtu.be/9c0ILJ83d1Q犬種標準/Standard原產地 : 台灣用途 :   狩獵犬, 看守犬, 伴侶犬F.C.I.分類 :                                     第五犬種群  狐狸犬之原始類型           第七類      原始型狩獵犬           不須作業測試.簡歷:「台灣犬」是台灣原生的在地犬,是南亞狩獵犬之後裔(南亞原生犬系),曾經與台灣的原住民族在中央山脈共同生活。此犬種是原住民獵人在叢林裡最忠誠的伴侶。1980年,一份由國立台灣大學,日本岐阜大學、名古屋大學合作,以台灣犬為議題的學術研究,訪察了台灣29支原始部落所調查出來的結果;推斷出台灣犬應是南亞狩獵犬之後裔。此犬種目前已經是風行台灣全島的看守犬, 伴侶犬。一般外貌 : 中型犬具有三角型頭部, 杏仁眼,耳薄而豎立、鐮刀尾。體毛乾燥, 肌肉結實, 體態均稱。重要比例 :口吻長度 / 頭蓋骨長度=5 / 5.5胸深 / 肩高=5 ~ 4.7 / 10肩高 / 體長=10 / 10.5  牝犬(被允許) 擁有略長的「體長比例」。行為 / 稟性: 對其主人極度忠誠、機警敏銳、動作敏捷、大膽且無所畏懼。頭頭蓋部: 前額寬闊呈弧狀,無皺紋。頭蓋: 頭蓋骨的長度比口吻的長度稍長。額段 : 被一條輕淺的額溝區分開來。面部 : 鼻 : 大小適中,鼻孔略寬,鼻色為黑色,黑色毛色以外的犬隻亦可以接受略淺的顏色。口吻 : 鼻樑線平坦,由口吻的根基部開始向前到鼻端略微收窄,但不形成尖銳細長的口吻。嘴唇:上下嘴唇緊密結實,沒有贅肉。顎/齒 : 下顎強壯. 鋏狀咬合。頰: 咬肌發達,頰部略突出。眼睛 : 杏仁形。黑褐色。棕色(咖啡色)亦可接受,但應該避免黃色或紅眼。耳朵 : 立耳,耳基根部位於頭蓋的兩側,45度角向外豎立。耳內緣呈直線,耳外緣略呈弧形。頸 : 肌肉結實強壯,長度適中,頸背略呈拱形,喉部沒有垂肉。身體 : 精壯結實具有肌肉,身型幾乎呈正方形。肩胛 : 發育良好。背 : 背線平直且短。腰部 : 肌肉緊實堅韌。尻 : 尻部寬闊、平、短、微頃斜。胸 : 胸深很深但不超過前肘關節,前胸微突,肋骨具有良好的彈性。腹 : 腹部曲線緊縮上吊,略呈漏斗狀。 尾 : 尾根部高之鐮刀狀尾,尾巴柔軟靈活而有力。四肢 前肢: 肩 : 肩部肌肉發達,肩胛骨自然放鬆,肩胛骨傾斜與上腕骨夾角約105 ~ 110度。前肘 : 緊貼身體不外張。前腕骨 : 筆直且互相平行。趾部 (前繫) : 結實牢固。後肢: :後腳骨細緻苗條,肌肉、骨骼良好,且兩腳相互平行,後軀與前軀所形成的角度比例協調適當。大腿部 : 寬廣,角度傾斜和後膝關節形成適當的彎曲角度。下腿部 : 和大腿部有均稱的比例配合。蹠部 (後繫) : 垂直於地面。腳掌 : 肉墊厚而堅硬,指甲呈黑色;黑色毛色以外的犬隻,指甲色素較淺亦可接受。步容 / 移動 : 強而有力的步容,大步邁進, 動作敏捷靈活,可輕易做出180度的急轉彎。披毛 毛 : 毛短且質地堅硬,緊密伏貼於身體.,長度是在1.5 cm到3 cm之間。毛色 : 黑、虎斑(條紋) 、赤色(黃) 、白、黑白乳牛、黃白乳牛和花虎斑(白底虎斑色塊)。尺寸 和 體重 :肩高 :           牡犬 :  48 cm - 53 cm.       牝犬 :  43 cm - 48 cm.體重 :          牡犬 :  14 kg - 18 kg.       牝犬 :  12 kg - 16 kg.缺點 : 如有符合下列項目者將被視為缺點,應視其確切的比例和程度來判斷是否構成重大缺失。膽怯切端咬合欠齒將被扣分,缺少PM1和M3可被接受凸眼前驅、後驅角度過直體型過大或過小尾巴捲曲超過背部黃眼 失格(嚴重缺點) : 神經質或過度害羞任何一條狗表現出違反自然法則的現象或出現反常的行為將視為不合格反對咬合(戽斗)或被蓋咬合(鯊魚嘴)欠缺犬齒立耳不全毛過長(超過5 cm以上)注意牡犬應該有二顆明顯正常的睪丸,完全下降入陰囊之中。只有健全健康的犬,並與品種典型相符才被用於育種。 Taiwan is a north-south strip island at southeast China, and is a part of East Asia islands arc west of Pacific Ocean. Japan and Ryukyu islands are on the north and Philippine islands are on the south. In terms of natural resources, Taiwan has varied and complicated terrains such as mountains, hills, plains, basins, isles, valleys and coasts because of continuous plate movements. At this particular island which is isolated by terrain and pass through by the Tropic of Cancer there are tropic, subtropics and temperate zone ecologies.     Some dogs from southwest China and Southeast Asia are similar with Taiwan dog. These dogs can be sort by distribution of racial and geographic as follows: Mountains of northern Taiwan:Atayal, Bunun and Saisiat tribe dog in Snowy Mountains range and south of Central Mountains.Mountains of southern Taiwan:Amis, Rukai, Paiwan, Tsou and Puyuma tribe dog in Ali Mountains range, Jade Mountains range and East Coast MountainsWestern Taiwan:Han nationality and part of aboriginal tribes on the plain and coast of western Taiwan. These dogs above lived with their owners and began to blend with each other because of the transformation of environment, and the number was growing as the result of continuous breeding. In this period of time, dog’s properties and figure began to evolve, after selected by natural environment and aboriginal people, in order to survive. And it became an endemic breed of Taiwan.There are many sharp valleys, cliffs, streams and rapids in the hunting zone of Taiwan. So the figure of wild animal is smaller than other countries. As a result of living in dangerous and rugged mountain, Taiwan dog developed the figure to adapt to the environment. Therefore, they are good at running, sprinting, jumping and other activities. Their speed and flexibility make them shuttled between palisades in the mountains and chinks of bushes agilely. Taiwan dog is intelligent and obedient. They are always willing to please their owner.Kennel Club of Taiwan has issued the certified pedigree of Taiwan dog to 6909 and register in stud book in within ten years. There are about 4277 Taiwan dogs take part in the FCI or Club dog shows. After popularize, an average of 50 dogs attend dog shows (about 20% of the number of participants). This breed of genetically is stable and sufficient to promote this new breed of "Taiwan Dog" in the world.ORIGIN : Taiwan. UTILIZATION : Hunting dog, watch dog, companion dog.FCI-CLASSIFICATION :                   Group 5 : Spitz and primitive types.                    Section 7 : Primitive Type – Hunting Dogs.                    Without working trial.BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : Taiwan Dogs are originally native Taiwanese dogs, descendants of the South Asian hunting dogs which ancient local inhabitants used to live with in the central mountainous districts. This breed was the loyal companion of the ancient hunter in the wild forest. Scholars from the National Taiwan University, Japan Gifu University and Nagoya University carried out a cooperative study in 1980 on the subject of native Taiwan Dogs. They visited twenty-nine tribes of local inhabitants and as a result, it was confirmed that the present Taiwan Dog is a descendant of the South Asian hunting dogs. This breed is now popular all across the island as a watch and companion dog.GENERAL APPEARANCE : Medium-sized dog with triangular head, almond eyes, thin prick ears and sickle tail. Dry, sinewy, well-balanced. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : Length of muzzle / Length of skull = 4.5 / 5.5. Depth of chest / Height at the withers = 4.5 – 4.7 / 10. Height at withers / Length of body = 10 : 10.5. Females are (allowed to be) slightly longer.BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Extremely faithful to his master, keen in sense, alert in movement, bold and fearless.  HEADCRANIAL REGION : Forehead is broad and roundish, without wrinkle. Skull : The skull is slightly longer than the muzzle.Stop : Well defined with a slight furrow.FACIAL REGION :Nose : Moderate size. Nostrils wide. Black in colour, but can be slightly lighter in other colours than black.Muzzle : Nasal bridge straight. The muzzle tapers a little from base to nose, but is not pointed at the tip.Lips: Lips tight, without flews.Jaws/Teeth : Jaws are strong. Scissors bite, teeth are set square to the jaws.Cheeks : Well developed and slightly protruding.Eyes : Almond in shape. Dark brown in colour. Brown is also acceptable, but yellow or light eyes should be avoided.Ears : Pricked, set on sides of the skull at an angle of 45 degrees. Inner outline is straight, while outer is slightly rounded. NECK : Muscular, strong and of good length, slightly arched. Without dewlap.BODY : Sinewy and muscular, nearly square in shape.Withers : well developed.Back : Straight and short.Loin : Firmly muscled.Croup : Broad. Flat or very slightly sloping and short.Chest : Fairly deep yet not reaching the elbow. Forechest slightly protruding. Ribs are well sprung.Underline and Belly : Well tucked up.TAIL : In the shape of a sickle, set on high, carried erect, active, with the tip curving forward. LIMBSFOREQUARTERS : Shoulder : Well muscled. Shoulder blades are laid back. They should meet the upper arms at an angle of 105°-110°.Elbows : Close to the body.Forearms : Straight and parallel to each other.Metacarpus (Pasterns) : Firm.HINDQUARTERS : Hind-legs should be slender, with good bone, well muscled and parallel to each other. The rear angulation should be in balance to the front. Upper thighs : Broad, sloping and well bent at the stifle.Lower thighs : Should be in balance with upper thighs.Metatarsus (Rear pastern) : Perpendicular to the ground.FEET : Turning neither in nor out. Pads are firm and thick. Nails are black, but lighter colours are acceptable in all other coat colours than black.GAIT / MOVEMENT : Powerful gait with reaching stride. Agile enough to easily turn 180 degrees quickly. COATHAIR : Short and hard, lying tight to the body. Length is between 1.5 to 3 cm.COLOUR : Black, brindle, fawn, white, white and black, white and fawn, white and brindle.  SIZE AND WEIGHT : Height at the withers :                   Males : 48 cm - 53 cm.                  Females : 43 cm - 48 cm.Weight :                     Males : 14 kg to 18 kg.                  Females : 12 kg to 16 kg.FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and its ability to perform its traditional work. ShynessLevel bite.Lack of teeth is to be penalized, but lack of PM1 and M3 is acceptable. Protruding eyes. Too straight in front and rear angulations. Oversize, undersize.Curled tail with over-back carriageYellow colour eyes. DIQUALIFYING FAULTS :Aggressive or overly shy dogs. Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities shall be disqualified.Undershort or Overshort bite.Missing canine tooth. Ears not pricked.Long hair (exceeding 4.5 cm).NOTICE: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding.
https://www.kctdog.org.tw/ 社團法人台灣畜犬協會

KCT 台南國際畜犬展覽比賽 2024年6月16日,請犬友踴躍報名參加!

首頁 犬種百科&資訊 > 犬種知識 > 犬種介紹/Breed Introduction-台灣犬 Taiwan Dog FCI-Standard NO. 348



  1. 台灣北部山區血系犬隻:以大雪山山脈及中央山地北部為主,其中主要以泰雅族群,布農族群及賽夏族群等犬隻為主。
  2. 台灣南部山區血系犬隻:以阿里山山脈、玉山山脈及東海岸山脈和中央山脈南段為主,主要族群以阿美族,魯凱族,排灣族,鄒族及卑南族等族群為主。
  3. 台灣西部血系犬隻:以台灣西部平原及沿海一帶為主,其中以漢族及部分平地原著民族群之犬隻為主。






原產地 : 台灣

用途 :   狩獵犬, 看守犬, 伴侶犬

F.C.I.分類 :                          

           第五犬種群  狐狸犬之原始類型
           第七類      原始型狩獵犬

簡歷:「台灣犬」是台灣原生的在地犬,是南亞狩獵犬之後裔(南亞原生犬系),曾經與台灣的原住民族在中央山脈共同生活。此犬種是原住民獵人在叢林裡最忠誠的伴侶。1980年,一份由國立台灣大學,日本岐阜大學、名古屋大學合作,以台灣犬為議題的學術研究,訪察了台灣29支原始部落所調查出來的結果;推斷出台灣犬應是南亞狩獵犬之後裔。此犬種目前已經是風行台灣全島的看守犬, 伴侶犬。


一般外貌 : 中型犬具有三角型頭部, 杏仁眼,耳薄而豎立、鐮刀尾。體毛乾燥, 肌肉結實, 體態均稱。

重要比例 :

  • 口吻長度 / 頭蓋骨長度=5 / 5.5
  • 胸深 / 肩高=5 ~ 4.7 / 10
  • 肩高 / 體長=10 / 10.5

  牝犬(被允許) 擁有略長的「體長比例」。

行為 / 稟性: 對其主人極度忠誠、機警敏銳、動作敏捷、大膽且無所畏懼。

頭蓋部: 前額寬闊呈弧狀,無皺紋。
頭蓋: 頭蓋骨的長度比口吻的長度稍長。
額段 : 被一條輕淺的額溝區分開來。

面部 :

鼻 : 大小適中,鼻孔略寬,鼻色為黑色,黑色毛色以外的犬隻亦可以接受略淺的顏色。
口吻 : 鼻樑線平坦,由口吻的根基部開始向前到鼻端略微收窄,但不形成尖銳細長的口吻。
/齒 : 下顎強壯. 鋏狀咬合。
頰: 咬肌發達,頰部略突出。
眼睛 : 杏仁形。黑褐色。棕色(咖啡色)亦可接受,但應該避免黃色或紅眼。
耳朵 : 立耳,耳基根部位於頭蓋的兩側,45度角向外豎立。耳內緣呈直線,耳外緣略呈弧形。

: 肌肉結實強壯,長度適中,頸背略呈拱形,喉部沒有垂肉。

身體 : 精壯結實具有肌肉,身型幾乎呈正方形。
肩胛 : 發育良好。
: 背線平直且短。
腰部 : 肌肉緊實堅韌。
尻 : 尻部寬闊、平、短、微頃斜。
胸 : 胸深很深但不超過前肘關節,前胸微突,肋骨具有良好的彈性。
腹 : 腹部曲線緊縮上吊,略呈漏斗狀。 
: 尾根部高之鐮刀狀尾,尾巴柔軟靈活而有力。


肩 : 肩部肌肉發達,肩胛骨自然放鬆,肩胛骨傾斜與上腕骨夾角約105 ~ 110度。
前肘 : 緊貼身體不外張。
前腕骨 : 筆直且互相平行。
趾部 (前繫) : 結實牢固。

後肢: :後腳骨細緻苗條,肌肉、骨骼良好,且兩腳相互平行,後軀與前軀所形成的角度比例協調適當。

大腿部 : 寬廣,角度傾斜和後膝關節形成適當的彎曲角度。
下腿部 : 和大腿部有均稱的比例配合。
蹠部 (後繫) : 垂直於地面。
腳掌 : 肉墊厚而堅硬,指甲呈黑色;黑色毛色以外的犬隻,指甲色素較淺亦可接受。

步容 / 移動 : 強而有力的步容,大步邁進, 動作敏捷靈活,可輕易做出180度的急轉彎。


毛 : 毛短且質地堅硬,緊密伏貼於身體.,長度是在1.5 cm3 cm之間。
毛色 : 黑、虎斑(條紋) 、赤色() 、白、黑白乳牛、黃白乳牛和花虎斑(白底虎斑色塊)

尺寸 和 體重 :

肩高 :    

       牡犬 :  48 cm - 53 cm.
       牝犬 :  43 cm - 48 cm.

體重 :   

       牡犬 :  14 kg - 18 kg.
       牝犬 :  12 kg - 16 kg.

缺點 : 如有符合下列項目者將被視為缺點,應視其確切的比例和程度來判斷是否構成重大缺失。

  • 膽怯
  • 切端咬合
  • 欠齒將被扣分,缺少PM1M3可被接受
  • 凸眼
  • 前驅、後驅角度過直
  • 體型過大或過小
  • 尾巴捲曲超過背部
  • 黃眼

 失格(嚴重缺點) :

  • 神經質或過度害羞
  • 任何一條狗表現出違反自然法則的現象或出現反常的行為將視為不合格
  • 反對咬合(戽斗)或被蓋咬合(鯊魚嘴)
  • 欠缺犬齒
  • 立耳不全
  • 毛過長(超過5 cm以上)


  • 牡犬應該有二顆明顯正常的睪丸,完全下降入陰囊之中。
  • 只有健全健康的犬,並與品種典型相符才被用於育種。

 Taiwan is a north-south strip island at southeast China, and is a part of East Asia islands arc west of Pacific Ocean. Japan and Ryukyu islands are on the north and Philippine islands are on the south. In terms of natural resources, Taiwan has varied and complicated terrains such as mountains, hills, plains, basins, isles, valleys and coasts because of continuous plate movements. At this particular island which is isolated by terrain and pass through by the Tropic of Cancer there are tropic, subtropics and temperate zone ecologies. 

    Some dogs from southwest China and Southeast Asia are similar with Taiwan dog. These dogs can be sort by distribution of racial and geographic as follows:

  1.  Mountains of northern Taiwan:Atayal, Bunun and Saisiat tribe dog in Snowy Mountains range and south of Central Mountains.
  2. Mountains of southern Taiwan:Amis, Rukai, Paiwan, Tsou and Puyuma tribe dog in Ali Mountains range, Jade Mountains range and East Coast Mountains
  3. Western Taiwan:Han nationality and part of aboriginal tribes on the plain and coast of western Taiwan.


These dogs above lived with their owners and began to blend with each other because of the transformation of environment, and the number was growing as the result of continuous breeding. In this period of time, dog’s properties and figure began to evolve, after selected by natural environment and aboriginal people, in order to survive. And it became an endemic breed of Taiwan.

There are many sharp valleys, cliffs, streams and rapids in the hunting zone of Taiwan. So the figure of wild animal is smaller than other countries. As a result of living in dangerous and rugged mountain, Taiwan dog developed the figure to adapt to the environment. Therefore, they are good at running, sprinting, jumping and other activities. Their speed and flexibility make them shuttled between palisades in the mountains and chinks of bushes agilely. Taiwan dog is intelligent and obedient. They are always willing to please their owner.

Kennel Club of Taiwan has issued the certified pedigree of Taiwan dog to 6909 and register in stud book in within ten years. There are about 4277 Taiwan dogs take part in the FCI or Club dog shows. After popularize, an average of 50 dogs attend dog shows (about 20% of the number of participants). This breed of genetically is stable and sufficient to promote this new breed of "Taiwan Dog" in the world.

ORIGIN : Taiwan. 

UTILIZATION : Hunting dog, watch dog, companion dog.


                   Group 5 : Spitz and primitive types.

                   Section 7 : Primitive Type – Hunting Dogs.

                   Without working trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : Taiwan Dogs are originally native Taiwanese dogs, descendants of the South Asian hunting dogs which ancient local inhabitants used to live with in the central mountainous districts. This breed was the loyal companion of the ancient hunter in the wild forest. Scholars from the National Taiwan University, Japan Gifu University and Nagoya University carried out a cooperative study in 1980 on the subject of native Taiwan Dogs. They visited twenty-nine tribes of local inhabitants and as a result, it was confirmed that the present Taiwan Dog is a descendant of the South Asian hunting dogs. This breed is now popular all across the island as a watch and companion dog.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Medium-sized dog with triangular head, almond eyes, thin prick ears and sickle tail. Dry, sinewy, well-balanced.


  • Length of muzzle / Length of skull = 4.5 / 5.5.
  • Depth of chest / Height at the withers = 4.5 – 4.7 / 10.
  • Height at withers / Length of body = 10 : 10.5. Females are (allowed to be) slightly longer.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Extremely faithful to his master, keen in sense, alert in movement, bold and fearless.



CRANIAL REGION : Forehead is broad and roundish, without wrinkle.
Skull : The skull is slightly longer than the muzzle.
Stop : Well defined with a slight furrow.

Nose : Moderate size. Nostrils wide. Black in colour, but can be slightly lighter in other colours than black.
Muzzle : Nasal bridge straight. The muzzle tapers a little from base to nose, but is not pointed at the tip.
Lips: Lips tight, without flews.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws are strong. Scissors bite, teeth are set square to the jaws.
Cheeks : Well developed and slightly protruding.
Eyes : Almond in shape. Dark brown in colour. Brown is also acceptable, but yellow or light eyes should be avoided.
Ears : Pricked, set on sides of the skull at an angle of 45 degrees. Inner outline is straight, while outer is slightly rounded.

NECK : Muscular, strong and of good length, slightly arched. Without dewlap.

BODY : Sinewy and muscular, nearly square in shape.

Withers : well developed.
Back : Straight and short.
Loin : Firmly muscled.
Croup : Broad. Flat or very slightly sloping and short.
Chest : Fairly deep yet not reaching the elbow. Forechest slightly protruding. Ribs are well sprung.
Underline and Belly : Well tucked up.

TAIL : In the shape of a sickle, set on high, carried erect, active, with the tip curving forward.



Shoulder : Well muscled. Shoulder blades are laid back. They should meet the upper arms at an angle of 105°-110°.
Elbows : Close to the body.
Forearms : Straight and parallel to each other.
Metacarpus (Pasterns) : Firm.

HINDQUARTERS : Hind-legs should be slender, with good bone, well muscled and parallel to each other. The rear angulation should be in balance to the front.

Upper thighs : Broad, sloping and well bent at the stifle.
Lower thighs : Should be in balance with upper thighs.
Metatarsus (Rear pastern) : Perpendicular to the ground.
FEET : Turning neither in nor out. Pads are firm and thick. Nails are black, but lighter colours are acceptable in all other coat colours than black.

GAIT / MOVEMENT : Powerful gait with reaching stride. Agile enough to easily turn 180 degrees quickly.


HAIR : Short and hard, lying tight to the body. Length is between 1.5 to 3 cm.
COLOUR : Black, brindle, fawn, white, white and black, white and fawn, white and brindle.


Height at the withers :

                  Males : 48 cm - 53 cm.
                  Females : 43 cm - 48 cm.

Weight :   

                  Males : 14 kg to 18 kg.
                  Females : 12 kg to 16 kg.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and its ability to perform its traditional work.

  • Shyness
  • Level bite.
  • Lack of teeth is to be penalized, but lack of PM1 and M3 is acceptable.
  • Protruding eyes.
  • Too straight in front and rear angulations.
  • Oversize, undersize.
  • Curled tail with over-back carriage
  • Yellow colour eyes. 


  • Aggressive or overly shy dogs.
  • Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities shall be disqualified.
  • Undershort or Overshort bite.
  • Missing canine tooth.
  • Ears not pricked.
  • Long hair (exceeding 4.5 cm).


  • Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
  • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding.